Superwoman's 'SELF' Reset

The workshop designed for all Superwomen who want to connect to their wellbeing

- while managing their demanding life and family needs - without sacrifice. 

Free 2-Day Interactive Workshop Registration

Saturday and Sunday: December 14 & 15, 2024
All Calls are held LIVE via ZOOM

Workshop sessions are held from 12PM - 2:00PM (PDT)

Please plan to join live and interact fully.

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Have you been led to believe you can't eliminate stress?

Has exhaustion become your daily norm?

Do you put other's needs before your own desires?

Are you tired of suffering from pain and lack of self care?


invite you to throw out all the rules for just 2 days & join in on a journey of SELF-discovery. 

Learn  to  easily  RESET  YOUR  INNER  SELF  by  ELIMINATING  stress permanently 
and  start  making  YOU  your  #1  priority!

Create the life you love with unlimited energy and joy for your lifetime!

Get yourself signed up and check your email for details! 

What workshop participants have to say:

Maria B -

“You have no idea how awesome I feel today and yesterday too, its amazing” 

Shantel -

“I’m going to tell you this was in the perfect moment of My life”

Jerri -

“Thank you - I feel back on track now!"

Shanthi -

“Am able to be more aware of my thoughts and able to let go of what disturbs me. thank you” 

Registration - Resetting Your Superwoman's 'SELF'

Tired of sacrificing your desires and interests due to exhaustion? Reset your SELF with ease, to RESTORE your ENERGY and JOY for total wellness! Join us for 2 days of "Fun and Feel Good" starting Saturday December 14th.